April 2015 – Megapolis Convention Centre – Panama City, Panama
Draft Programme (10-01-2015)
Day - Sunday, 12 April 2015__________________________
15:00 - 18:00 Registration
19:00 Opening Ceremony
- Captain Orlando Allard, Chairman, Panama Maritime XII World Conference & Exhibition
- H.E. Koji Sekimizu, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization
- His Excellency Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez, President of the Republic of Panama
20:00 Opening
of the Exhibition – Welcome Cocktail
1 – Monday, 14 April 2015________________________________
07:30 - 08:30 Registration
08:30 - 11:00 Plenary Opening Session
- H.E. Koji Sekimizu, IMO Secretary General – Energy Efficiency in Shipping
- Honourable Jorge L. Quijano, Administrator, Panama Canal Authority – Canal Expansion Update
- H.E. Jorge Barakat, Administrator, Panama Maritime Authority – Maritime Strategy of Panama
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
- ________________________________________________________
- Lic. Fernando Solórzano - Director of Merchant Marine, AMP - Competition Strategy for Panama Registry
11:00 – 12:30 Panel: Business Impact of The Panama Canal Expansion
- Steven Cowan - Clarkson's of London - The World Fleet -
- Oscar Bazan, VP ACP - Panama Canal Business Forecast
- "Name" MAERSK - All Water Service Panama Canal Vs Suez Canal
- "Name" RILA - Benefits of the Canal Expansion to US Retailers (RILA)
- Moderator Irene Rosberg, Director Copenhaguen MBA - Board of Advisors
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Panel: Adding Value to the Panama Canal Route - Shipping Lines
- Robert Van Trojen, Regional Director, MAERSK - Marketing strategy
- Poul Hestbaek – Hamburg Sud - New Services
- "Name" APL, Regional - Strategy for Panama and the Region
- "Name" MOL, Regional - Perspective on how to add value to the Canal Route
- Moderator: Rommel Troetsch, Panama Maritime Organising Committee
15:30 – 16:15 Panel: Port Development in the Region Post Canal Expansion
- "Name" Port of Singapore, Panama - Port expansion strategy in Panama and the region
- Aitor Ibarreche – General Manager, Panama Ports Company, Panama Port expansion
- "Name" MOIN, Costa Rica - Strategy post Canal expansion
- Joshua Hurwitz - APM Terminals - Business Strategy for Panama and the Region
16:15 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:45 Panel:
Port Development in the Region Post Canal Expansion - Continued
- “Name” Port of Mariel, Cuba -Strategy for Development of a Logistics Zone contiguous to the Port of Mariel
- Giovanni Benedetti - Port Cartagena - Strategy to take advantage of the Canal expansion
- Roger Guenther - Executive Director - Port of Houston, USA - Strategy to take advantage of the Canal expansion
- Moderator: Carlos Urriola, MIT
17:45 Networking
Cocktails at Exhibition Hall
20:00 – Welcoming Reception Hosted by the
Panama Maritime Authority
2 – Tuesday, 15 April 2015_______________________________
07:30 - 08:30 Registration
08:30 – 10:00 Panel - The New Maritime Business Environment - Business and
Regulatory Regime
- Christopher Davis - Impact of Fuel Cost on Shipping
- Peter Hinchcliff, Chairman ICS and ISF - Board of Advisors - Impact of New Energy Efficiency Measures in Shipping
- Beat Zwygart - New Container Regulations
- Dr. Jose Luis Almazan - European Commission - Use Of LNG in Maritime Transportation
- Seah Khenhee - Singapore - Emission control Areas in the region
- Moderador: Silvia Marucci, LNG Segment, ACP
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:30 Panel - Legal Aspects of Maritime Transportation and Logistics
- Dr. José María Alcántara - Logistics Contracts
- Mock Arbitration – CECOMAP
- Iria Barrancos, President of APADEMAR & CECOMAP
- Dr. Jose M. Alcantara
- Christopher Davis
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch – Sponsored by Port of Singapore Authority
14:00 - 16:30 Panel - Port, Maritime and Logistics Business Opportunities in
- Ricardo Ungo, ACP - Port Of Corozal
- Fernando Gonzalez Chana, Mofatt & Nichols, London - Port in Palo Seco
- “Name” Panama Canal New Business Opportunities
- Carlos Troetsch - Asociación Bancaria Nacional - New Banking Service: Naval Mortgages
- Marcus Baker, MARSH - SEMUSA, London - Developing Hull and Cargo Insurance in Panama
- Moderator: Oscar Bazan
16:30 - 18:00 Panel - Development of International Logistics & Value -
added Services in Panama
- John Otto Knhor, DHL, Regional - DHL Expansion Strategy for Panama and the Region
- Kunenague - New Business Development
- Edgar Urrutia, CEVA Logistics - Panama - Regional - New Services Offer
- Hernán Dávila, Panalpina, Panama - Regional - New Services Strategy
- Miguel Angel Esbrí, Secretario de Economía y Competitividad, Gabinete Logístico - Panama Logistics Hub of the Americas, Logistics Cabinet, Ministry of the Presidency
- Moderator: Severo Souza, President of COEL
18:00 Summary
Of Conference Panel Conclusions (closing Statements)
18:30 Networking
Cocktails at Exhibition Hall
20:00 Reception
Hosted by the Panama Canal Authority - Miraflores Visitors Centre
3– Wednesday, 15 April 2015_____________________________
08:30 - 16:00 Technical Visits
- Expansion Project Observation Center
- Manzanillo International Terminal Visit (Lunch?)
- Panama Ports Balboa Visit
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